
Synopsis or brief article reporting on research or teaching highlights taking place within the department.

Physicists Solve Low-Temperature Magnetic Mystery

 – Tim Miller

Researchers have made an experimental breakthrough in explaining a rare property of an exotic magnetic material, potentially opening a path to a host of new technologies. From information storage to magnetic refrigeration, many of tomorrow’s most promising innovations rely on sophisticated magnetic materials, and this discovery opens the door to harnessing the physics that governs those materials.

The work, led by University of Connecticut professor Jason Hancock, and Ignace Jarrige of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, marks a major advance in the search for practical materials that will enable several types of next-generation technology. A paper describing the team’s results is published this week in the journal Physical Review Letters.

The full text of this article can be found on the UConn Today website at “Physicists Solve Low-Temperature Magnetic Mystery”.