For more information about physics teaching and pedagogy, please contact the physics teaching faculty coordinator.
New Physics Faculty: Erin Scanlon
Erin Scanlon joins our Department in fall 2020 as Assistant Professor in Residence at the Avery Point Campus. Erin comes to UConn with an impressive track record of university teaching experience and scholarship in physics education research (PER). After earning a master’s degree in physics from Georgia Institute of Technology, Erin joined the faculty at […]
[Read More]Physics Department Joins APS-IDEA Network
The Physics Department’s Diversity & Multiculturalism Committee (DMC) was accepted into the APS Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Alliance (APS-IDEA). Despite years of efforts on local and national levels, the diversity in many physics departments is not reflective of the diversity nationwide. Our department is no exception in this regard. The new APS initiative was created […]
[Read More]Insight from APS: Careers in Physics
What is a Bachelors of Science degree in Physics good for? What kinds of jobs are available to graduates who complete a 4-year degree in physics, but decide not to pursue an advanced degree? How does a physics degree stack up against other STEM fields in terms of employment options in today’s highly competitive job […]
[Read More]Professor Jocelyn Bell Burnell – 2019 Katzenstein Lecturer
The UConn Physics Department is delighted to announce that our 2019 Distinguished Katzenstein Lecturer will be Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell. Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell is world-famous for her discovery of pulsars in 1967. Pulsars are a special type of neutron star, the rotating dense remnant of a massive star. Pulsars have highly magnetic surfaces, and emit a beam of electromagnetic radiation […]
[Read More]Goodwin School 3rd grade visits the Physics Learning Labs
About one mile from the Gant plaza, Goodwin Elementary School teaches some really bright kids. On January 15, 2019, science teacher Nancy Titchen and Goodwin teachers brought the entire 3rd grade class on a field trip to the Physics Learning Labs mock-up studio for some science fun. Students enjoyed a liquid nitrogen show, witnessed quantum […]
[Read More]Hands-On Approach to Physics
Step into a fall 2018 class section of PHYS 1602: Fundamentals of Physics II, and you’ll find a scene that’s far from the large introductory science lectures common on most college campuses. Anna Regan ’21 (CLAS) utilizes a whiteboard to try out solutions during her group’s problem-solving tutorial. (Bri Diaz/UConn Photo) To start, the class […]
[Read More]Hands-on teaching of introductory physics gains momentum
A recently renovated physics classroom in the Edward V. Gant Science Complex was built to pilot a new approach to physics education, integrating lecture with lab rather than the classical approach of separating these components. Students and instructors apply concepts with hands-on activities throughout the lecture, practice new tools, and problem solve as a […]
[Read More]21st Annual Katzenstein Distinguished Lecture
Monday, March 26, 2018 The 21st Annual Katzenstein Distinguished Lecture was hosted by the UConn Physics Department, featuring Dr. Takaaki Kajita, 2015 Nobel Prize Winner from the University of Tokyo, speaking on “Oscillating Neutrinos.” After the lecture, a banquet with the speaker was held for members and guests of the department. We enjoyed welcoming alumni and […]
[Read More]Special Lecture on Diversity and Inclusion
Solving the complex problems that we face in our world today requires a more talented workforce than we have ever needed before. Such a workforce must be comprised of a wide range of diverse talents and creative insights. No segment of the population can be ignored or overlooked in this talent search. This presentation will describe the most recent research that demonstrates the positive impact that social and informational diversity has on science and innovation, the reasons for this impact and the importance of committed leadership in achieving a strong and inclusive workplace where creativity and productivity is maximized.
[Read More]UConn offers new minor in Astronomy
The Physics Department has recently expanded its research and teaching specialties to include Astronomy with the addition of three new junior faculty: Cara Battersby, Jonathan Trump, and Kate Whitaker. In addition to the expertise in Observational Astronomy using the latest instruments and techniques, they are also spearheading a suite of new courses in Astronomy and […]
[Read More]Professor tests innovative approach to teaching Introductory Physics
Following up on results from Physics education research conducted at MIT and elsewhere, professor Jason Hancock has begun the process of transforming the way Introductory Physics is taught at the University of Connecticut. Starting with the course PHYS 1601Q for physics majors, Prof. Hancock has developed a curriculum that integrates aspects of both lecture and lab […]
[Read More]Katzenstein lecture brings Nobel Laureat, UConn alumni to Storrs
The Katzenstein Distinguished Lectures series continued in Fall 2016 for its 19th year, with an October 28, 2016 lecture by Professor Leon N. Cooper of Brown University, entitled “On the Interpretation of the Quantum Theory: Can Free Will And Locality Exist Together In The Quantum Theory?” Professor Cooper shared the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physics […]
[Read More]UConn Physics welcomes new teaching faculty
Assistant professors in residence (APiRs) are primarily responsible for teaching and managing large introductory service classes in cooperation with faculty. The Physics Department has recently promoted Diego Valente to APiR from his former position of Visiting Assistant Professor. Congratulations Diego on a well-deserved promotion. The department extends a warm welcome to three other APiRs, Belter Ordaz-Mendoza, Hani Duli, and […]
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UConn Physics Colloquium3:00pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, December 6th, 2024
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Gant West Building GW-002
Dr. Taran Driver, PULSE institute and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Linac Coherent Light Source
Probing Correlated Multi-Electron Dynamics on the Attosecond Timescale
The interaction of light with matter is a fundamental process for probing and engineering the quantum properties of a molecule or material. This interaction is mediated by electrons, and understanding the many-body dynamics of electronic systems in the first moments following light-driven excitation is a frontier challenge. The characteristic timescale for this electron motion is set by the splitting of the relevant energy levels, which results in motion on the attosecond (10-18 s) timescale. It is now possible to generate pulses of light lasting on the order of one hundred attoseconds, both on the tabletop in the laboratory and at large free-electron laser facilities. I will present recent work using attosecond x-ray pulses to probe the ultrafast dynamics of multi-electron systems. We measured the photoemission delay in the core-level ionization of a molecule. This is the delay between the arrival of a photon and the emission of an electron in photoionization, which was long considered an instantaneous process. In fact, this delay reveals strong modulations due to electron correlation. We also time-resolved the response of an aromatic molecule, para-aminophenol, to impulsive photoionization. By accessing the dynamics within the first femtosecond following the removal of an electron, we observed the interplay between the sub-femtosecond decay of shake-up states and coherent charge density oscillation on the few-femtosecond timescale. I will also touch on future directions which will harness these new methods to develop ultrafast probes of electron motion and exotic light-engineered states in quantum materials.
UConn Physics Colloquium3:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, November 22nd, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building GW-002
Prof. Lina Necib, Department of Physics, MIT
Mapping out the Dark Matter in the Milky Way
In this talk, I will explore the interfacing of simulations, observations, and machine learning techniques to construct a detailed map of Dark Matter in the Milky Way, focusing on the Galactic Center/Halo and dwarf galaxies. For the Galactic Halo, I will present a recent work that reveals a decline in the stellar circular velocity, inducing tensions with established estimates of the Milky Way’s mass and Dark Matter content. I will discuss how the underestimated systematic errors in such a common methodology necessitates a revised approach that combines theory, observations, and machine learning. In dwarf galaxies, I will present a novel Graph Neural Network methodology that facilitates the accurate extraction of Dark Matter density profiles, validated against realistic simulations. I will conclude with a discussion on the future trajectory of astroparticle physics, emphasizing the need for the integration of astrophysical probes with experimental Dark Matter research, potentially leading to a better understanding of the nature of Dark Matter.
UConn Physics Colloquium3:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, November 8th, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building GW-002
Prof. Philip Mannheim, University of Connecticut
The Accelerating Universe
I will describe some of the background that led to the award of the Nobel prize to Dr. Adam Riess, who will be our 2024 Katzenstein speaker on November 15.
UConn Physics Colloquium3:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, November 1st, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building GW-002
Prof. Matthew Guthrie, University of Connecticut;
A New Era for Connecticut’s Oldest Planetarium: Historic Roots to Modern Revival
The UConn Planetarium, built in 1954, has long been a central resource for astronomy education and outreach at the University of Connecticut. In this talk, I will present an overview of the planetarium’s historical roots at UConn, its significance in the community, and the extensive renovations we have completed to bring this important facility back to life. After years of disuse, the planetarium has been fully upgraded with modern technology and will officially reopen on November 1st, immediately following this colloquium.
Our efforts to restore the planetarium are guided by the legacy of Dr. Cynthia Peterson, UConn’s first woman physics faculty member and a pioneer in science education. The planetarium now officially bears her name as the Cynthia Wyeth Peterson Memorial Planetarium, in honor of her decades of dedication to astronomy outreach. Following my presentation, Nora Berrah and Celeste Peterson will speak about Dr. Peterson’s life and achievements - how her contributions to UConn and the wider scientific community continue to resonate today.
UConn Physics Colloquium3:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, October 25th, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building GW-002
Prof. Philip Kim, Harvard University
Searching for Anyon in Quantum Materials
The search for anyons, quasiparticles with fractional charge and exotic exchange statistics, has inspired decades of condensed matter research. Moreover, it has been predicted that exchange braiding of these particles, especially non-abelian anyons, can produce topologically protected logic operations that can serve as building blocks for fault-tolerant quantum computing. In this talk, I will discuss the progress of research on two quantum materials platforms to realize these exotic particles. In the first example, we will discuss anyons arising in fractional quantum Hall (FQH) effects, using quantum Hall interferometers for direct observation of the anyon braiding phase around a confined cavity. In the second example, we will discuss our recent experimental efforts to realize non-abelian anyons in proximitized topological insulator surfaces by controlled manipulation of magnetic vortices containing non-abelian anyons.
UConn Physics Colloquium3:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, October 18th, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building GW-002
Prof. Jun Ye, University of Colorado and JILA
Title and abstract TBA
UConn Physics Colloquium3:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, September 20th, 2024
03:30 PM - 12:00 AM
Gant West Building 002
Prof. Mingda Li, Nuclear Science and Engineering, MIT
Exploring Potential Roles of Machine Learning in Quantum Materials ResearchIn recent years, machine learning has achieved great success in chemistry and materials science, but quantum materials face unique challenges. These include the scarcity of data (volume challenge), high dimensionality and computational costs (complexity challenge), elusive experimental signatures (experimental challenge), and unreliable ground truth (validation challenge).
In this Physics Colloquium, we present our recent efforts to support the study of quantum materials with machine learning. For scenarios with high data volumes, such as density-functional-theory (DFT) level studies with weak correlation, machine learning can predict lower-dimensional properties. We introduce a convolutional neural network classifier predicting band topology class based on X-ray absorption (XAS) signals [1]. This approach can also be applied to experimental data, demonstrated by an autoencoder-based protocol to study the magnetic proximity effect with polarized neutron reflectometry, improving fitting resolution [2].
For lower data volumes due to higher computational costs, incorporating symmetry into neural networks can reduce data volume needs. Using the O(3) Euclidean neural network, we predict phonon density-of-states [3], dielectric functions [4], and quantum weight [5] directly from crystal structures. Machine learning without data can also be performed by using differential equations as constraints [5].
For high output dimensions and low input data volumes, such as phonon dispersion relations, we introduce additional approaches like virtual nodes in a graph neural network [6], showing improved efficiency compared to machine-learning potential without losing accuracy.
To address unreliable ground truth, we use machine learning to distinguish Majorana zero modes in scanning tunneling spectroscopy for topological quantum computation [7]. For cases like quantum spin liquids, where experimental signatures are unclear and computational costs are high, we generate materials with potential geometrical frustration. Our latest work, SCIGEN, produces eight million materials belonging to Archimedean lattices, with over 50% passing DFT stability checks after pre-screening [8].
Despite progress, applying machine learning to quantum materials is still in its infancy. We reflect on the out-of-distribution problem, aiming to generate genuine surprises and new features rather than merely recognizing patterns. Additionally, we must address accuracy limitations in many machine learning approaches, especially with complex quantum systems and phase diagram studies.
[1] “Machine learning spectral indicators of topology,” Advanced Materials 34, 202204113 (2022).
[2] “Elucidating proximity magnetism through polarized neutron reflectometry and machine learning,” Applied Physics Review 9, 011421 (2022).
[3] “Direct prediction of phonon density of states with Euclidean neural networks,” Advanced Science 8, 2004214 (2021).
[4] “Ensemble-Embedding Graph Neural Network for Direct Prediction of Optical Spectra from Crystal Structure,” arXiv:2406.16654.
[5] “Panoramic mapping of phonon transport from ultrafast electron diffraction and machine learning,” Advanced Materials 35, 2206997 (2023).
[6] “Virtual Node Graph Neural Network for Full Phonon Prediction,” Nature Computational Science 4, 522 (2024).
[7] “Machine Learning Detection of Majorana Zero Modes from Zero Bias Peak Measurements,” Matter 7, 2507 (2024).
[8] “Structural Constraint Integration in Generative Model for Discovery of Quantum Material Candidates,” arXiv:2407.04557.
UConn Physics SPS Colloquium4:00pm
UConn Physics SPS Colloquium
Friday, April 26th, 2024
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Gant West Building GW-002
Prof.. Reina Maruyama,Yale University
What is dark matter?
Astrophysical observations give overwhelming evidence for the existence of dark matter. Several theoretical particles have been proposed as dark matter candidates, including weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), axions, and, more recently, their much lighter counterparts. However, there has yet to be a definitive detection of dark matter. For years, one group, the DAMA collaboration, has asserted that they observe a dark matter-induced annual modulation signal in their NaI(Tl)-based detectors. Their observations are inconsistent with those from other direct detection dark matter experiments under most assumptions of dark matter. In this talk, I will describe how I came to work on this topic and the debate’s current status, the worldwide experimental effort to test this extraordinary claim, and our progress toward resolving the current stalemate in the field.
Note: The pre-colloquium reception will be 3-4pm in the Gant Light Court
Professor Cassandra Paul (UConn Physics Colloquium)3:30pm
Professor Cassandra Paul (UConn Physics Colloquium)
Friday, April 19th, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Remote Online
Prof. Cassandra Paul (San Jose State University)
Title and abstract (TBD)
Contact: Prof. Erin ScanlonRemote talk (details forthcoming)
Contact Information: no contact information was provided for this event
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Prof. Eric Heller, Harvard University (UConn Physics Colloquium)3:30pm
Prof. Eric Heller, Harvard University (UConn Physics Colloquium)
Friday, April 5th, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building 002
Quantum acoustics and the physics of the strange metals
Quantum acoustics is the analog of quantum optics, with phonons playing the role of photons. The classical fields (electromagnetic, acoustic) are reached by virtue of coherent states in both cases. Quantum acoustics leads to two time dependent, interacting wave fields, one lattice, one quantum. The electron diffuses at a Planckian rate, independent of electron-lattice coupling and temperature, and the calculated resistivity is linear in temperature. Mott-Ioffe-Regel and Drude peak mysteries are also resolved. A rather different carrier transport scenario emerges for the strange metals.
Dr. Nick Hutzler, California Institute of Technology (UConn Physics Colloquium)3:30pm
Dr. Nick Hutzler, California Institute of Technology (UConn Physics Colloquium)
Friday, March 29th, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building 002
Dr. Nick Hutzler, California Institute of Technology
UConn Physics Colloquium
Title and abstract: TBD
Contact: Profs. Tom Blum and Dan McCarron -
Dr. James Cryan, SLAC National Lab (UConn Physics Colloquium)3:30pm
Dr. James Cryan, SLAC National Lab (UConn Physics Colloquium)
Friday, March 22nd, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building 002
Dr. James Cryan, SLAC National Lab (UConn Physics Colloquium)
Ultrafast dynamics using X-ray attosecond pulses.
Contact: Prof. Nora Berrah -
UConn Physics Colloquium (Dr. Andrew Held)3:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium (Dr. Andrew Held)
Friday, March 8th, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building 002
UConn Physics Colloquium: Dr. Andrew Held
High Power Commercial Laser Markets and Applications
Abstract: Ubiquitous and familiar applications for lasers include telecom data transmission, laser surgery (LASIK), information processing (DVD/Blue Ray), supermarket scanners, laser pointers and a multitude of laser sensing applications (LIDAR, range finders, facial recognition, etc.). Sophisticated laser technology is also well-recognized as a key, enabling research tool.Perhaps less well known are the “unsung” commercial applications and markets for higher power lasers. Often out of public view, these laser applications drive diverse and massive commercial markets and are supported by extensive industry-based research and development investments. And are generating increasingly abundant STEM based career opportunities.
The presentation will highlight the laser technologies and applications used in materials processing to mark, engrave, cut, and join everything from shoe leather to sheet metal. Also covered are laser applications supporting the manufacturing of microelectronics-based consumer technology, enabling higher performing devices and ever larger displays. The laser technology and developments that support emerging Directed Energy military applications will be also be reviewed.
Andrew Held has recently retired as Senior Vice President of Coherent’ s Aerospace and Defense business. Andrew has over 30 years’ experience in General Business Management, Research, Sales and Marketing of lasers and photonics into a broad range of markets and applications. He received his B.S. in Chemistry and Ph.D. in Laser Spectroscopy from the University of Pittsburgh and was an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Technical University in Munich.
Dr. Josiah Sinclair (UConn Physics Colloquium)3:30pm
Dr. Josiah Sinclair (UConn Physics Colloquium)
Friday, February 16th, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building 002
Dr. Josiah Sinclair, MIT
A new platform for quantum science: programmable arrays of single atoms inside an optical cavity.
Recently, programmable arrays of single atoms have emerged as a leading platform for quantum computing and simulation with experiments demonstrating control over hundreds of atoms [1]. Interfacing an atom array with a high-quality optical cavity promises even greater control and new capabilities. By coupling atoms to an optical cavity, we can more efficiently collect light from each atom improving detection. In addition, an optical cavity can be used to efficiently entangle many atoms in a single step relying on a novel technique called counterfactual carving [2]. I will describe our progress towards the goal of detecting and correcting errors on a register of Rubidium atoms selectively coupled to a large-waist optical cavity. Beyond detecting errors, applying corrections requires real-time feedback, and I will present a simple experiment demonstrating that fast feedback on microsecond timescales can already improve measurement fidelity. Finally, I will describe our accidental realization that we can use our cavity to directly observe collisions between pairs of trapped atoms in real time.
UConn Physics Colloquium3:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, February 9th, 2024
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Gant West Building GW-002
Dr. Jim Zickefoose and Dr. Gabriela Ilie, Senior Scientists, Physics Division, Mirion Technologies, Meriden CT
Mirion Technologies – Connecting Academia and Industry
Mirion Technologies is a world leader in the development and supply of nuclear instrumentation and supporting software. To accomplish its goals and objectives, Mirion has a diverse team of physicists holding various levels of degrees. In this seminar we will show our paths from graduate studies to joining Mirion, emphasizing how the skills we gained during our academic journeys have contributed or have been beneficial to our professional development in industry. Furthermore, we will highlight Mirion Technologies’ general areas of interest as well as revealing some interesting applications where we have partnered with academia.
Speakers’ bio:
Gabriela is the Product Line Manager for Specialty Detectors and a Senior Application Scientist at Mirion Technologies, focused on developing custom high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector solutions for challenging and unique applications. She joined Mirion in 2012 (formerly Canberra Industries) as a physicist and has worked on a variety of projects offering physics support and doing validation and testing for different products. Gabriela has a Ph.D. in Experimental Nuclear Physics from the University of Cologne, Germany. Before joining Mirion, Gabriela held a Postdoctoral Research position at Yale University where she helped maintain and use a large array of HPGe Clover detectors for nuclear physics measurements and experiments. In the last few years, she has played an active role in promoting new technologies that help customers select the best radiation detection and instrumentation for their applications.
Jim Zickefoose is a Sr. Scientist and R&D Physics Manager at Mirion Technologies in Meriden CT. In these roles he concentrates on driving new technology development across the various Mirion divisions and incorporating those technologies in new or existing products. He joined Mirion in 2010 directly after earning a PhD in physics from the University of Connecticut with a concentration in experimental nuclear astrophysics. During his PhD research Jim studied carbon fusion reactions at accelerator facilities in Caserta, Italy and Bochum, Germany. Prior to his time at UConn Jim earned an Honors Degree in physics from the University of Adelaide.
Note: coffee and cookies at 3:00 outside the lecture room.