The Department of Physics is part of the APS-IDEA which is an APS initiative to advance equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in physics. This is a community of transformation with the mission of empowering and supporting physics departments, laboratories, and other organizations to identify and enact strategies for improving EDI. The network consists of 98 organizations including college and university departments, research collaborations, and national laboratories from around the world.

The vision of APS-IDEA is that, as a result of collective efforts, physics and related fields will become more inclusive of all social identities, with a diversity reflective of the nation, and with an equitable distribution of opportunities and resources.

The network will provide a supportive environment to:

  • exchange ideas, information, and experiences
  • deepen knowledge of research and effective practices
  • develop or improve EDI strategic plans
  • discuss various EDI initiatives and reports from physics and related disciplines
  • learn about theories of change
  • begin planning IDEA’s programs

This is achieved through guiding principles of:

  • centering people whose identities are marginalized
  • utilizing sense making, including creating brave spaces
  • implementing research-based transformational methods
  • sharing leadership across levels; from students up to faculty

UConn APS-IDEA team members are:

Danya Alboslani✢,                      Cara Battersby✽,                           Nora Berrah✽,

Elena Dormidontova✽,               Gayanath Fernando✽,                 Niraj Ghimire✽,

Belter Ordaz✽,                               David Perry★,                              Chandra Roychoudhuri✽,

Peter Schweitzer✽,                        Jonathan Trump✽,                      Diego Valente✽

Xian Wu✽.

✢Undergrad, ●grad, ✽faculty and ★staff

If you are interested in joining the UConn APS-IDEA team, please contact Dr. Belter Ordaz.

APS IDEA workshop will be remotely on Thursday, September 15, 2022, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. ET or Friday, September 16, 2022, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET. There is no limit on the number of team members that can attend this virtual meeting.