UConn Students featured by Press Releases at the American Astronomical Society
Two UConn students presented press releases at the 245th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, held in Washington, DC on January 12-16, 2025. UConn undergraduate Danya Alboslani presented a new method to map the 3D structures of star-forming clouds using X-ray light echoes. This press release resulted from a paper submitted to the Astrophysical Journal […]
[Read More]Alumni Highlights
Written by Nora Berrah: Debadarshini (Jolly) Mishra successfully defended her PhD thesis in May 2024 in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Jolly gave several presentations at national and international conferences and is the co-author of 8 publications. She is now a postdoc at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and was hired before her thesis defense to […]
[Read More]2024 Physics PhDs Awarded
Bren Backhaus Advisor: Jonathan Trump Thesis: “Emission-Line Properties of High-Redshift Galaxies and their Black Holes” Dharma Basaula Advisor: Serge Nakhmanson Thesis: “Mesoscale Modeling of Thermoelectric Materials” Mitchell Bredice Advisor: Vasili Kharchenko Thesis: “Kinetics, Nucleation, and Relaxation Dynamics of Ion-Seeded Nanoparticles” Michael Davino Advisor: Carlos Trallero Thesis: “Strong-field Physics from Atoms to Nanoparticles” Ashok Gurung Advisor: […]
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UConn Celebrates National Academies Members
On August 27, 2024, scholars, trustees, and friends of UConn gathered at the University of Connecticut School of Law to honor members of the university community elected to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Established by an Act of Congress in 1863, the National Academy of Sciences was followed by the National Academy […]
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Department Head greeting
Dear Friends of UConn Physics, Last year, I wrote to you as a new Interim Head of Physics and only barely a month into my appointment. During the past year, we conducted a search for a permanent head and I was selected. For this, I am very grateful for the trust and support I received […]
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UConn Physics Department Hosting January 2025 CU*iP.
Every year, the American Physical Society (APS) sponsors CU*IP – Conference for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics – at several locations around the country. This year, led by Prof. Nora Berrah, UConn Physics applied to host this national conference in Storrs and our proposal was accepted for January 24-26, 2025! The purpose of […]
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In Memoriam: Lawrence “Larry” Kappers
Lawrence “Larry” Kappers, passed away on Friday, August 2, 2024. Professor Lawrence (Larry) Kappers (aka “Kap”) retired in 2009, having joined the UConn Physics Department in 1973. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Missouri-Columbia and completing postdoctoral appointments at the University of Minnesota and Oklahoma State University, he developed an active research program […]
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UConn STARs visits Hartford Public High School
The UConn STARs group visited Hartford Public High School (HPHS) to teach physics for a total of eight class periods from May 6th-9th, 2024. UConn brought 16 undergraduate students from the STARs program to HPHS for our annual outreach program, during which we interacted with about 100 high school students. We collaborated with physics teacher […]
[Read More]In Memoriam: Thaddeus Burch
Father Thaddeus J. Burch passed away May 14, 2024 in Wauwatosa, WI. He was 93 years old, a Jesuit for 75 years and a priest for 62 years. His life combined his deep religious faith with a quest and appreciation for the world of physics. In addition to his two bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and […]
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Prof. Moshe Gai Awarded 2024-2025 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award
Professor Moshe Gai, the director of the Laboratory for Nuclear Science, aka the Astrophysics Laboratory, https://astro.uconn.edu, was awarded a 2024-2025 Fulbright US Scholar Award to teach and do research in Romania. He will spend five months at the newly constructed world highest power laser lab (10 PW), the Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), recently […]
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Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Adam Riess, Katzenstein Distinguished Lecturer
The University of Connecticut, Department of Physics is proud to announce the 26th Annual Katzenstein Distinguished Lecturer that will be on Friday, November 15th.
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Professor Nora Berrah Elected to National Academy of Sciences
UConn physics professor Nora Berrah has been elected as a member of the National Academy of Science (NAS), becoming the fifth member from the UConn community to join the selective national society.
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2024 Sigma Pi Sigma Honors Society Celebration!
Congratulations to 2024 Sigma Pi Sigma Honors Society Inductees!
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UConn’s Old Planetarium Gets a New Upgrade
Connecticut’s oldest planetarium will soon be back in action. Once used for education and outreach for UConn faculty, students, and community members, the planetarium fell into disuse in the last several years, but Department of Physics Assistant Professor-in-Residence Matt Guthrie has been working hard with skilled facilities staff, including CLAS Facilities Team Leader Brett DeMarchi, to bring this piece of UConn history back into working order.
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Solar Eclipse Viewing Event: 2-4:30pm Mon Apr 8 on Horsebarn Hill
UConn faculty and students will host a community event to view the solar eclipse at 2:00-4:30pm this Monday, April 8, on Horsebarn Hill (behind the Dairy Bar). Here in Storrs we’ll observe a maximum occultation of 92% at 3:28pm. This is a very exciting and special opportunity, since the next time that our location will […]
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Two physics undergrads among 2024 University Scholars
Two of UConn Physics Department’s undergrads, Rachel Cleveland and Nicholas Thiel-Hudson, have been recently selected as part of the 2024 cohort of UConn University Scholars! These students were selected based on the strength of their proposal. Graduation as a University Scholar recognizes a student’s extraordinary engagement with self-reflective learning and research or creative endeavors.
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A Team Effort is Giving New Life to a Classic Observatory
After years of disuse, the UConn Observatory, featuring a 16-inch optical telescope, is coming back into service. Physics faculty member Matt Guthrie, a driving force behind this rejuvenation effort spoke with UConn Today about the benefits offered by the Observatory both to students and to the community.
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Physics Celebrates 51’st Annual Ascent of Mount Monadnock
On October 14, 2023 40-50 members and friends of the UConn Physics department took part in the 51’st annual ascent up Mount Monadnock, near Jaffrey, New Hampshire. After the hike, the then-hungry hikers descended to the campground near Gilson Pond and enjoyed some well-earned refreshments.
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Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Gérard Mourou, Katzenstein Distinguished Lecturer
The University of Connecticut, Department of Physics, is proud to announce that on October 20, 2023, Gérard Mourou, professor and member of Haut Collège at the École Polytechnique and A. D. Moore Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan and 2018 Nobel Prize winner, will be presenting the 25th Distinguished Katzenstein Lecture.
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Physics Faculty Work to Improve Accessibility and Destigmatize Disability Across CLAS
About 20% of UConn students are supported by the Center for Students with Disabilities. The true percentage of students who need help is even higher. With so many students who require diverse ways of learning, how can faculty make sure their teaching is adequate, effective and inclusive for all students? In order to address this […]
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UConn Physics Colloquium 2:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, March 28th, 2025
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Gant West Building
Prof. Dr. Ralf S. Klessen, Universität Heidelberg
The First Stars: Formation, Properties, and Impact
The first generation of stars, often called Population III (or Pop III), form from metal-free primordial gas at redshifts z ~ 30 and below. They dominate the cosmic star formation history until z ~ 20-15, at which point the formation of metal-enriched Pop II stars takes over. I review current theoretical models for the formation, properties and impact of Pop III stars, and discuss observational constraints. I argue that primordial gas is highly susceptible to fragmentation and Pop III stars form as members of small clusters with a logarithmically flat mass function. Feedback from massive Pop III stars plays a central role in regulating subsequent star formation, but major uncertainties remain regarding its immediate impact. Direct observations of Pop III stars in the early Universe remain extremely challenging, whereas stellar archeological surveys allow us to constrain both the low-mass and the high-mass ends of the Pop III mass distribution. Observations suggest that most massive Pop III stars end their lives as core-collapse supernovae rather than as pair-instability supernovae. I also speculate about the formation of supermassive stars, which under very specific circumstances can get as massive as several 100.000 solar masses and can become the seeds of the supermassive black holes observed in the high-redshift universe.
Crossing Natural Boundaries using Resurgent Continuation (UConn Physics PAN Seminar) 2:00pm
Crossing Natural Boundaries using Resurgent Continuation (UConn Physics PAN Seminar)
Monday, March 31st, 2025
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Gant South Building
Griffen Adams
Title: Crossing Natural Boundaries using Resurgent Continuation
In quantum field theory, we are interested in computing quantities via the path integral formalism. This object is generally ill-defined, and we often rely on perturbation theory, or non-perturbative methods such as the lattice. All of these rely on the analytic continuation of the path integral, which is a non-trivial operation that is poorly understood, especially in gauge theories. In this work, we display a novel method of analytically continuing the path integral in a three-dimensional gauge theory using underlying principles of resurgent asymptotics, a branch of complex analysis that has seen recent success in unifying perturbative and non-perturbative physics in various problems in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. With this perspective, we discover new relations between the path integral and number theoretic objects related to Ramanujan’s mock theta functions. -
UConn Physics Colloquium 2:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, April 4th, 2025
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Gant West Building
Dr. Maxim Pospelov, University of Minnesota
Dark Matter snooker
Despite enormous experimental investment in searches of particle dark matter, certain well-motivated corners of parameter space remain to be elusive “blind spots” for direct detection. In my talk I will address two of such exceptions: light particles that simply do not have enough kinetic energy to detect, and strongly-interacting particles that quickly thermalize and also become sub-threshold for direct detection. I show that both blind spots can be probed through double collisions of Dark matter – first with some energetic Standard model particles (solar electrons, cosmic rays, particles in a beam, neutrons in nuclear reactors etc) that bring DM to energies above thresholds followed by the scattering inside a detector. This way, I derive novel constraints on light dark matter, as well as strongly-interacting dark matter models, using existing dark matter and neutrino experiments.
Particle, Astrophysics, and Nuclear Physics Seminar 2:00pm
Particle, Astrophysics, and Nuclear Physics Seminar
Monday, April 7th, 2025
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Gant South Building
Dr. Maxim Pospelov, University of Minnesota
New developments in EDM theory
Over the last 10 years there has been a large progress in experiments testing the coupling of electron spin to electric field. These experiments are often referred to as “electron dipole moment experiments” (or EDMs). In my talk I will show how the Standard Model CP-violation leads to the coupling of electron spin to the electric field, and argue that the most important mechanism is related to the spin interaction with the nucleus. I will finish the talk with some comments on lattice attempts to calculate neutron EDM induced by theta QCD.
UConn Physics Colloquium 2:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, April 11th, 2025
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Gant West Building
Dr. Rebecca Larson, Rochester Institute of Technology
Advancements in Exploring the Early Universe: Unlocking the Mysteries of Galaxies During the Reionization Era
The history of galaxies in the early Universe remains substantially unknown. The mystery surrounding these galaxies is primarily a result of the epoch in which they existed. During the epoch of reionization (z>6), the Universe experienced its last major phase change, where the neutral gas permeating the intergalactic medium [IGM] became ionized. Light emitted from early galaxies was often blocked by this neutral gas (or “cosmic fog”), preventing restframe ultraviolet [UV] spectroscopic studies of this epoch except for faint traces of light detectable in the near-infrared [NIR] from the brightest sources. Before 2022, the high-redshift field was restricted due to limited ground- and space-based instrumentation probing NIR wavelengths and beyond. Much of what we learned spectroscopically about these galaxies during this time came from a handful of bright UV metal emission lines or far-infrared [FIR] emission (generally with only 1-2 lines detected in individual galaxies). These data only came after fighting for hours using the most massive telescopes on the ground and in space. Since the advent of JWST, the high-redshift field has exploded with new science probing wavelengths and redshifts previously inaccessible. Using the advanced spectroscopic NIR capabilities of the JWST, we have found increasingly distant galaxies and characterized these sources within the heart of the epoch of reionization [EoR] for the first time. In this talk, I will discuss the state of the high-redshift field before and after the launch of JWST – highlighting our work from the Cosmic Evolution and Early Release Science [CEERS] survey, among other key early release science [ERS] & Cycle 1-3 programs. These new data have led to the discovery of an unexpected abundance of bright galaxies and active galactic nuclei [AGN] in the EoR, providing insights into the roles that the nature of these early galaxies and the nurturing from their environments played in the reionization of the Universe.
UConn Physics Colloquium 2:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, April 18th, 2025
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Gant West Building
Prof. Felix Ringer, Stony Brook University
From Qubits to Quarks: Quantum Computing Meets Nuclear Physics
The strong force in nature, described by the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), governs the interaction of quarks and gluons, which constitute the main building blocks of the visible universe. Since its development over five decades ago, various fundamental questions have remained unanswered despite significant theoretical and experimental efforts: How do the dynamics of quarks and gluons give rise to emergent structures such as nucleons and nuclei? What is the phase diagram of nuclear matter, and what are the real-time and non-equilibrium dynamics at collider experiments and in the early universe? While significant progress has been made on the theory side using perturbative techniques and lattice QCD, the answers to some of the most challenging questions are expected to be beyond the capabilities of classical computing. Advances in quantum computing coupled with the development of innovative algorithms motivate the exploration of quantum simulations to address these questions. In this talk, I will discuss recent progress toward quantum simulations for fundamental particle and nuclear physics, covering both discrete (qubit) and continuous variable (qumode) approaches.
Particle, Astrophysics, and Nuclear Physics Seminar 2:00pm
Particle, Astrophysics, and Nuclear Physics Seminar
Monday, April 21st, 2025
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Gant South Building
Prof. Hal Haggard, Bard College
Title and abstract TBA
UConn Physics Colloquium 2:30pm
UConn Physics Colloquium
Friday, April 25th, 2025
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Gant West Building
Dr. Todd Martinez, Stanford University
Title and abstract TBA
Dr. Neill Warrington, MIT (UConn physics PAN seminar series) 2:00pm
Dr. Neill Warrington, MIT (UConn physics PAN seminar series)
Monday, April 28th, 2025
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Gant South Building
UConn Particles, Astrophysics, and Nuclei Seminar Series.
Dr. Neill Warrington, MIT (Title and abstract forthcoming)
Contact: Prof. Gerald Dunne