
What is CUWiP?

The APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics (CU*iP) are three-day regional conferences for undergraduate physics majors. The 2025 conferences will be held January 24-26, 2025.

The goal of APS CU*iP is to help undergraduate women and gender minorities continue in physics by providing them with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to other women and gender minorities in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas. The national and local organizing committees of APS CU*iP strive to create a welcoming environment for all.

The 2025 program at University of Connecticut will include research talks, panel discussions about graduate school and careers in physics, workshops and discussions about women and gender minorities in physics, student research talks and poster sessions, and laboratory tours.

How do you pronounce CUWiP?

Most people say "Cue-Wip".

Who may apply to attend CUWiP?

Any undergraduate student with an interest in physics may apply to attend a CUWiP. 

I’m a student from Canada. Can I apply to a U.S. site?

Students from Canada are encouraged to apply to the Canadian site, but may apply to closer U.S sites if desired. However, Canadian students accepted to U.S. sites are not eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses from the conference or for waiver of the registration fee. Please contact the U.S. site closest to you for more information.

What should I wear to the conference?

The conference has no dress code, and we encourage students to be comfortable. You may wish to look at photos of previous conferences to see what students typically wear. Note that January is the coldest month in Connecticut, with temperatures ranging from 18 F to 34 F.